3D Home Tour Package
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Homes with Zillow 3D tours have sold 10% faster on average and were 22% more likely to sell in the first 30 days compared to homes without a Zillow 3D tour!
- Listings with Zillow 3D Home tours get premium placement in search results on Zillow.
- Listings with Zillow 3D Home tours get special email pushes to home shoppers prompting them to view the listing and 3D Home tour.
- For sale and rentals listings with Zillow 3D Home tours have a special tag that helps them stand out in a shopper’s search result pages on Zillow, Trulia and even RedFin.
3D Home Tour
- 3D Home Tour uploaded to the MLS and zillow.com. Includes up to 1000 sqft + $25 (per additional 1000 sqft)
- Up to 25 Real Estate Photos with HDR techniques – high res web/print photo files
- Additional photos: $5/photo
- Additional Aerial Photos: $10/photo
- Add a Floor Plan: $75 (1st 1000 sqft) + $25 (per additional 1000 sqft)
- Add Virtually Staged Images: $30/image